"Armed Forces Remembrance Day" is celebrated on the 15th of January, annually. Poppy Flowers are important to serving Military Men around the world. As we celebrate today, being the 15th of January 2022,i think it will be unwise not to reintroduce and reechore the importance and roles supposedly played by the Military. No Nation would collide with its military, if military men and women are given military treatments, taught on their rights, privileges, importance. Their place and roles should be expressly and determinately stretched and emphasized if any Nation wants to live without their interruptions, as they are with the might to intermittently interrupt peaceful democratic process, Military treatments go beyond military professionalism and Civil Military Relationship, that is "the ability of the military at the war front-the borders of a country and those voted into public office to know their limitations, respect their offices and adhere to the norms and p...
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